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Storytelling with Music  (20 points)

Directions: Work together in pairs (2 people) or individually. 

*We can have repeats of themes but not songs. Sign up on the whiteboard. Once a song is taken- that’s it, folks!

1. Choose a song that exhibits a theme that we have explored this year in art history.

  • Controversy

  • Family

  • Human Body

  • Industrialization

  • Materials/Techniques

  • Nature

  • Political

  • Power and Authority     

  • Propaganda

  • Religion 

  • Sacred Spaces  

  • Sexuality/Romance  

  • Technology

  • Time and Place                                            

  • Violence in Art

  • Women in Art


Get creative with the bazillions of artists and songs that are out there. Please make sure the song is school appropriate/non-explicit or the ‘bleeped’ version. Thank you!

2. Look up the lyrics to that song.  Analyze the lyrics and pair together an image from art history for different lines. Vary the artworks you use from all time periods including non-western. 

3. Include credits of artworks and artists at the end. 

4. Use iMovie or some other video editing program to pair them together! Lyrics must be typed out and appear as they are sung with the artworks shown. 


DUE: Wednesday, May 21st


Thank you to Valerie Park for her inspirational AP Art History web site and her generosity in sharing her ideas and resources!

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