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Balboa Park Architecture  (extra credit!)

During our visit to the Timken Museum, we will have a little extra time to wander around the Plaza and look at some of the other structures within the park.  Your extra credit opportunity will be to photograph 2 structures that display different architectural styles and complete an analysis of the style characteristics. One of the 2 examples must be Spanish Revival/Spanish Colonial, as much of the Park was designed in this style for the 1915 Panama Exposition to celebrate the building of the Panama Canal.  Your other style can be any other structure you see (including the Timken!)

Specifically, perform a FFCC analysis on the two works and make your case that the structure exemplifies the architectural style you have identified.  What are characteristics of Spanish Revival architecture?  What is it reviving?  What was happening in history/ art history that lent itself to these characteristics?  Finally, find one artwork from our 250 image set that is from the same style/period as one of your structures (doesn't have to be architecture).  Completely identify the work.  How does the work from the 250 fit into this style?


What's in it for me???  Good question :)  Should you choose to accept this mission, if completed with high quality, you may EITHER drop any single assessment grade from this point backward (quiz or test!), OR, you may accept 15 extra credit points...whichever is more beneficial to your grade.  NOT BAD :)


SPECS:  2 FULL pages, double spaced (max 500 words), 12pt font in Times or 11pt font in Calibri.  Must include at least 2 pictures of each structure but they do not count towards the 2 FULL pages requirement. Due before Thanksgiving Break.  No exceptions.  




Thank you to Valerie Park for her inspirational AP Art History web site and her generosity in sharing her ideas and resources!

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