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The Siesta (after Millet)
Vincent van Gogh
December 1889-January 1890
Oil on canvas (Musée d'Orsay)

Course Description

         Art history is designed to be a college level survey course approved by College Board. Students will learn from a College Board set list of 250 artworks chronologically, beginning with Paleolithic painting/sculpture and ending with Post-Modernist contemporary artists (a number of artworks will be added throughout the year in addition to the set list). The course will spend the most time on Renaissance art to the 21st century. We will explore ancient through the Medieval ages, and global arts including Africa, the ancient North and South Americas, Asia, Near East, Oceania, and Islamic traditions. Throughout the year the students will be guided by three essential questions put forth by College Board:


  1. What is art and how is it made?

  2. Why and how does art change?

  3. How do we describe our thinking about art?


Students will:
Contextualize and analyze European and global artworks using form, function content, and context
2. Gain a deep understanding of the meaning of artworks
3. Apply complex terminology to artworks, styles and movements
4. Learn to communicate at a post-secondary level
5. Experience some art creating throughout the year
6. Analyze traditions and change through global connections
7. Interpret works of art by analyzing contextual variable
8. Develop skills in visual, contextual, and comparative analysis
9. Recognize and identify title, artist, date, and materials of works of art and architecture




Watch these videos to get an idea of what you will be learning throughout the year

 The workload: approximately 2-3 hours/week:
  • occasional 
  • flashcards
  • reading
  • approx 1 test every 2 weeks
  • Similar to AP Test: multiple choice and FRQs
  • Light 1st semester
  • heavier 2nd semester, especially after the exam

Ways to contact me:
Bonita Vista High School:

(Learn more about Mr. Goodwin using Mr. G tab above)



Thank you to Valerie Park for her inspirational AP Art History web site and her generosity in sharing her ideas and resources!

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